Monday, 6 October 2014

20 Years into Democracy


Twenty years into democracy but we still live in a South Africa where one can find a small town that is for 'white' people ONLY! Yep, there is a small farmland in the Karoo, Northern Cape Province in South Africa that is for white-Afrikaner people and it is called Orania.

Billboard: Written "Welkom in Orania" - welcome to Orania. The white-only enclave state of Orania. Image by: BBC 

Built on 8,000 hectares of private farmland along the Orange River in the desolate region of Karoo, the town has schools, shops and even its own currency, the Ora. Below, the Jonck family - DailyMail.

Among those to have made Orania their home is Kobus Jonck, a sheep farmer who moved there with his family last year.

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